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Physical Integration & Well Being Of Musicians
A seven-session experiential seminar

Peak performance depends upon practice and mastery of your instrument, but also upon the integration of movement patterns in the body as a whole.


Many students neglect this critical aspect of their development, leaving highly significant levels of potential untapped, and risking unnecessary injury.

This intimate workshop brings wholistic focus to:

  • Evaluation of tension and movement at key body parts - neck, shoulders, spine, hips, feet

  • Physical poising - in gravity and with your instrument

  • richer sound and moving from the core for speed, flow

  • Optimal brain states for both performance and learning

  • Lifestyle choices to optimize performance and well-being”




Introduction to Alternative Therapies and Healing Techniques

An experiential seminar for students who want to learn more about the world of wholistic healing, are considering careers in healthcare, or want in-depth focus on their own health and well-being.  These lectures are occasionally given as stand-alone talks.


Part I

  • Philosophy, History, and Politics of Holistic and Allopathic Medicine in the Western World

  • Traditional Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Indigenous Ways of Healing

  • Herbal Medicine Theory and Practice, Homeopathy, Naturopathy

  • Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Consciousness - ritual, meditation, brain patterning, and neurology of learning

  • Innovations in Physical Learning, Movement Training, and Hands-on Therapeutic Techniques

Part II

  • Holistic Principles of Nourishment, Detoxification, and Restoration - bridging the personal, political and environmental

  • Creating a Natural Medicine Cabinet

  • Holistic Approaches to Life’s Transitions - birth, parenting, and end of life

  • Quantum Physics and Healing Modalities - energy work, neuroplasticity, super learning, states of consciousness




Lifestyle 101

This entertaining, interactive, 2-3 hour workshop takes a deep dive into crafting a healthy lifestyle in our busy world.


Participants will explore a map of factors they control that affect both their longterm health and their well-being right in the moment.  Strategies for change and conditions for success will be thoroughly explored as we look into the physical, chemical, and emotional requirements of an energized, high-performance, enjoyable life.




State Changers: the activation of superlearning and peak performance

Our bodies and brains are surprisingly endowed with unused potential and dormant ability.  The current revolution in neuroscience is now trickling down into many groundbreaking treatments and strategies for helping human beings function at higher levels of performance, wake up learning potential and re-fashion ingrained habits.  This short, interactive talk will tap this advancing scientific frontier to demonstrate 10 ways to activate higher potential in a minute or less, and how to build practices to make the changes permanent.

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