155 Elm St.
Oberlin, OH 44074
Parking is available on the street in front of the house or in the driveway. When using the driveway, pull all the way in to park against either of the garage doors and walk back to the front entrance. There is a turnaround behind the house to make coming and going easy. Please do not block the drive for others.
Enter through the front door, which opens upon the waiting room. Dr. Shults will greet you, or if she is with a patient you may take a seat there or on the front porch.
Cancellation policy
By scheduling an appointment with Dr Shults, you are paying for her time. 24-hour notice of cancellation is required to avoid being charged a $35 late fee for any appointment.
Connect with Dr. Shults, DC
If you would like more information about my practice or an upcoming class or workshop, to receive my newsletter, or would like to discuss a speaking engagement, please fill out the form below.